Jonathan Sprinkles works with organizations that want to increase profits and productivity by leveraging The Power of Connection™.

Trust is the new currency of business. Jonathan Sprinkles, “Your Connection Coach” has been recognized for over a decade as a thought leader on the psychology of the human connection—the force that drives engagement, loyalty, and profitability. The author of 13 books, including two international bestsellers, Jonathan’s innovative approach inspires positive culture shifts throughout organizations. Labeled a “turnaround specialist” by executives and celebrity clients, Jonathan has earned multiple awards for excellence in business and leadership coaching, and is well known as a top-rated keynote speaker. Jonathan’s practical, proven strategies have worked for organizations like yours that want to re-energize their workforce and reconnect their people to their mission and key initiatives. Jonathan has pioneered a movement, inspiring high-functioning teams of people to trust each other, work together, communicate better, and win bigger.


An innovator in both his approach and his delivery, Jonathan has a clear understanding of what truly motivates others. Jonathan’s tips and strategies have been featured in

Jonathan has served organizations ranging in size from 10 to 50,000 across various industries, helping them achieve alignment among the company’s mission, customer loyalty, and increased profits. And here’s why: Jonathan gets it. He knows the difference between what looks good on paper and what really works when applied to your business environment. As Jonathan built a thriving career in sales, he noticed his production peaked when he was assigned to a supervisor and team with whom he had a positive identity and connection. It was this realization that became a defining moment for Jonathan—a strong culture leads to stronger performance.
Life Coach - Jonathan sprinkle


Utilizing extensive research and his experiences in leadership development and performance training, Jonathan went on a mission to reshape the conversation around motivation and organizational culture. Combining the best elements of behavioral science, engagement models, and practical wisdom, he crafted The Connection Quadrants™ framework. His system allows you to pinpoint the underlying issues beneath the surface that are reducing productivity within your company, and provides you with a step-by-step framework for resolving them. Companies have used The Connection Quadrants™ to create a winning culture that gives them the competitive edge in today’s marketplace.


Jonathan’s story is one of humble beginnings. When his parents divorced early in his life, he moved from city to city as his father reestablished himself. This meant Jonathan had to quickly develop a keen discernment of whom he could and could not trust. He learned to use his quick wit and ask the right questions to make friends with the influencers in every neighborhood. Although these skills would one day serve him well, it all came to a crash when he lost his father to cancer as a teenager. Jonathan was devastated. But his spirit wouldn’t allow him to stay down. Refusing to settle for life’s second best, Jonathan persevered, honing in on the communication and leadership skills that had been with him since his early years. He earned a full college scholarship and graduated with the two highest honors awarded to student leaders out of an enrollment of 53,000.


Jonathan’s high-energy delivery and content-rich programs have made him a hit with corporations, government agencies, universities, school districts and professional associations including:

Jonathan sprinkle Event

Employee engagement research reveals that as much as 80 percent of your workforce would give more effort if they were more motivated to do so. Jonathan Sprinkles has an answer for that. Jonathan has a relevant message that will resonate among all levels of your organization. He brings 15 years of experience, training people spanning from entrepreneurs, to executives, to emerging leaders, to new hires. This includes your Millennials, as well as those who manage them. Jonathan has a unique ability to get people to come together and operate on one accord. Your organization will develop a deepened awareness of each individual’s impact on the big picture and why it is so important to have each others’ back. Everyone will understand why “connection is key!”

Jonathan is a proud alum of the University of Texas at Austin’s McComb’s School of Business (Hook ‘em!) and has studied business leadership at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. He was handpicked to be a founding member of the Speakers Resource Group for the Disney Dreamers Academy. When Jonathan is not working, you can find him watching football or feeding his addiction to Amazon Prime.