THANK YOU for your interest in having Jonathan speak to your organization.

Because we receive a lot of requests for Jonathan’s programs, we created this resource page so that you can quickly get to  everything you need within a few clicks.

You will see exactly what it’s like to have Jonathan at your event, connecting with your audience, and creating a one-of-a-kind experience.

Connection Is Key!

Team Connection Lab


Here’s a sample of what you’ll experience when Jonathan brings The Power of Connection to your next event or training!


Your event will go to the next level! To help you create buzz and increase attendance, Jonathan is happy to film a short promo video that your video team can enhance and distribute via social media or your internal network.


Are you looking for a shift in culture, engagement, and productivity? Our training series is known as one of the elite programs for change and transformation. Here is a sample syllabus:

We can create customized training materials for your team’s needs.